Capel Vale Winery is the closest winery to the house and is also a nice place to visit if you want one close by with a good restaurant
All of these have premium wines and beautiful restaurants:
Voyager Estate
Leeuwin Estate
Vasse Felix
Cullen's Winery - great organic wine and more casual dining with good food, famous for Ploughman's Lunch
Pierro Wines - very good wine, but no restaurant.
Duckstein Brewery, Caves Road
Eagle Bay Brewery
Colonial Brewing Company
plus many more!
Best picks would be:
The Goose - views to the Jetty and pretty good food.
Port Geographe - the new restaurant and bar across the road from the house. Good food and a relaxed feel, not bad for walking distance!
Wonky Windmill Eco Park
The Busselton Jetty
At the marina across the road you can organise:
Fishing Trips
Whale Watching
Diving Tours.
Meelup Beach past Busselton
Bunker Bay Beach, also has lovely cafe and views over beach
Canal Rocks
Smiths Beach, Lamont’s at Smith’s Beach is also pretty good
Yallingup Beach
Gunyulgup Gallery
Phil Hollett Gallery
Goanna Gallery, has a cute shop and good cafe food
Jahroc Gallery - Margaret River, has locally made furniture and fine art
This is a bit of a snippet of things on offer...let me know if there is anything else that would be of interest to you.